Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lofty knitting goals

So it's October 4 and my pair of gray socks for my grandmother remains unfinished. In my defense I had a rough weekend. I worked pretty much every day (except yesterday) and I'm coming down with a cold. Tomorrow I have some errands to run before I can spend time knitting.

Yesterday (Monday) was a good day off to do anything but knit, however. Despite coming down with a cold, I was really in the mood to cook. My husband usually makes all of his meals for the week at the beginning of the week. This week he purchased some tilapia, salmon and shrimp that was on sale at the grocery store, and I asked him if I could cook it. He said, "You can if you want to," and so that's what I did for most of yesterday.

I made a cumin and coriander crusted tilapia with simmered lentils and mango salsa, Shrimp Fra Diavolo from my "Cook This Not That" cookbook, and roasted salmon and sweet potatoes with an herb vinaigrette from my New York Times Cookbook.

 The cooking warmed up the house. The temperature dipped to 66 degrees because it was cold and rainy outside for all of this weekend. I want to see how long we can last until we turn on the heat. 66 degrees felt pretty frigid for me, and I was in sweatpants and a sweatshirt all day. Cooking warmed it up to a balmy 72, and it stayed that way until this morning when it dropped back down to 66. I think our apartment doesn't have very good insulation.

I took a lot of pictures of food in Rubbermaid containers and sent them as text messages to my husband. I sampled the food I made and it was pretty good. I only hope it tastes just as good after it's been sitting in the fridge for a while.

Anyway, the pair of socks should be finished by the end of this week. I made some pretty good progress on them this morning. I got past the gusset decreases, and I'm on to moving the cable motifs toward the center of the foot.

All while I'm knitting, I've been watching "Lost" through Netflix. It's a rather stupid and entertaining show. I was talking to a coworker this weekend who said that a lot of guys she knew were all about watching lost. That kind of baffles me because of the very few TV shows I watch, "Lost" reminds me most of a daytime soap opera. So it's unusual to me that it would appeal to men. I have about 5 episodes left in the series.

After I'm done knitting my gray socks and watching "Lost," I'll probably start on some of the things I ordered through Knit Picks this weekend. I got the "Woodland Winter Mittens" kit, which has six different pairs of mittens, each with a design that represents October through March. October has a leaf scene, November has a mountain scene, etc. They're knit with KnitPicks Palette, which I used to make some Christmas ornaments a couple years ago. I also ordered yarn to make my cousin a hat, per his request. I'm going to make Struan by Ysolda Teague. It'll be the first time I've used plastic canvas to make a hat brim. I hope it turns out okay.

In November, I have to finish up the massive pile of dishcloths I usually make every year, even though I really want to make some socks for my husband. He's about due for a new pair of socks. He started an afghan this past weekend after seeing a pattern in my KnitPicks catalogue. I found a similar pattern for free on Ravelry, and he's using some yarn that we already have in the house.

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